Fifteen blows to your mind ...?

Dec 04, 2013 22:54

Today actually shaped up to a very enjoyable day!

1] Indulged in my first Wednesday without going to my second job ever since I resigned.
2] Picked up a gift certificate to give to my former associate manager from said resigned second job to say thank you. She gave us a wedding card with $40 which was rather unexpected!
3] When I drove to the coffee shop to pick up the gift certificate, a complete random stranger walked up to me outside and said, "You are a very creative person! I don't know if it's your aura or just the way you hold yourself. But I can just tell that you're a VERY creative person!" Insert phase of blushing.
4] Visited the liquor store ( former second job ) that I used to work for and got a friendly hug from an employee who is still a major-pain-in-the-ass to all the other employees who work there. But for some odd reason he seems to really like me. o_o
5] Got a TON of grocery shopping done for the apartment which always makes me happy. ^_^
6] Vacuumed, wiped down, and cleaned the entire apartment within four hours. Which was amazing.
7] Attended my Wednesday youth group with sssage and led a "Chopped" parody video recording. The youth had a great fun time with that.

If every day from now until 2014 could be this way...
I will be one happy drake.


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