Sometimes I Feel ... APATHETIC to This Record ...!

Jun 25, 2013 21:06

Okay. So let's discuss a few topics. Album Covers + Martketing + Regional Packaging.
In particular the new album cover artwork drawn by Niklas Sundin of Dark Tranquillity.

Potential Rant About Music & Artwork... )

artz, music, cds

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drone_dragon June 26 2013, 12:56:11 UTC
Ha! I remember 69 Eyes. They definitely had some raw / sleazy album covers. Never really got into them though. But you can always find a CD by them at the used record store that I frequent.

Ha ha ha ha! That's just hilarious!

For myself:
BAD COVER but great music:

I've actually been revisiting this album A LOT recently. And now that it's been reduced to nothing but a burned CD in my music folder- I appreciate it 100 x more than when it is accompanied by THIS odd choice of cover art.

GREAT COVER but bad music:

Now granted Dream Evil went on to make two epic albums right after this one, but wow did they certainly misunderstand the construction of a "concept album". The songs are all over the place with very little focus. They attempt a storytelling about a dragonslayer who loses his life taking on the impossible quest, but by the end of the CD it's all about heavy metal jesus and cliche nonsense.


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