Nuke the Fluke ...?

Nov 23, 2012 09:54

Pay day yay!
Going to hang out with Giese today since we both managed to get Black Friday off from our jobs.
We're watching grim films all afternoon. I'm bringing over my copy of The Grey and he's going to expose me to some South Korean horror flicks. Hoping that my copy of Prometheus comes in the mail so we can throw that into the mix as a -breather- in between films.
Black Friday only took sssage and I one whole hour to partake.
We both took a nap at my place, drove over to the electronics store, and picked up a three terabyte hard drive and a Blu-ray disc player for a HEAVILY discounted price. While we were in the same plaza, we hit up my favorite used record store and found some gems since they were also having a heavily discounted day. Opposite of December ... A Season of Separation album for only $3. In the Absence of Truth CD was just $5. A Passage in Time was a mere $4. And the new Autotheism album for just $7.

I also picked up a copy of The Parallax II: Future Sequence for Giese as a gift. It's weird. When it comes to black metal and post-rock we're both pretty spot on similar in tastes which makes band sharing very chilled and smooth. We just struggle with having any other music genre in common EXCEPT for one band that we both secretly and mysteriously enjoy. Between the Buried and Me. I've been listening to these guys ever since their Alaska phase. Giese came in around the Colors album which really hooked him. He then gave me that album as a re-introduction into the band's new complexity and multifaceted song writing. Now it's my turn again to get Giese back into them. AND OH HELL is he in for a ride with Parallax II. It's probably my favorite album by the band thus far.

Saw Life of Pi yesterday with my family. It was .... surprisingly good! And in close quarters with the novel too which amazed me. Then again it's directed by Ang Lee, and usually he does a great job with portrayals. But yeah- if you're into spiritual journeys that are opened up for interpretation and relaxed symbolism, this film is definitely for you. It makes you think and reflect for a couple hours after you leave the theater. ( there have a been a lot of films like that lately! First Cloud Atlas and now this?! )

Later tonight I'll be visiting lighthawkdragon for a Monster Hunter Portable 3rd romp. Purple Dragon will be joining us in the fray. As the evening DJ; I'm going to try to bring some new songs in tonight's blend. Mostly music that got Sssagena and I through Midwest FurFest last weekend. ALRIGHT, now it's time to start my day and get a lot of r&r set in motion.

holidays, movies, music, friends, giese, video games

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