Mar 29, 2010 02:29
soo.. life is hard, obviously. humans = suck at life... or not? correct me if im wrong. :D
but! ive come to an underrstandting that life is soooo un understanding. and is mostly fair but hard for me to find fair at times..
its gay, but all in all i guess what Im trying to say is Patience is the key, yes i know.. but its hard for me to be patient when I see that my friends get the privilage to find TRUE love so early in life.. Ofcourse, its awesome for them, because they, you are my friends and I always hope and pray for the best of all of you and i hope that forever youll be happy and secure,,,................. but as for me.. I... I .... dont know when Ill ever get that.. soon i hope.. But i guess i musnt be to impatient. Now, what is written below is what I wrote before typing this.. so with that in mind.. I had so many wonders.. and so many more but i just kind of blanked out.. anyway.. its totally a poem and id love to hear what else you girls would put in a poem such as this.. Id really enjoy seeing it expand. so for anyone whose got some insight. bust it out and add it on. :D
OH how I wish a man that can sweep me off my feet and take me away from everything,
Oh how I wish It could be that easy.
Oh How I wish that I could leave everything just for that man.
Oh How I wish that I could leave time behind caught in his charming alluring Scents.
Oh how I wish it could be that easy.
Oh how I wish that he always be understanding and compromising to my needs.
Oh how I wish he love me for who I am, my only disposition.
Oh How I wish it could be that easy.
chimera man,
dream man,
life love,
love sucks,
comment love