Mar 14, 2010 20:26
I'm still alive!! At least my body is. My brain went on vacations a few months ago.
Just joking. XDDD
I'm busy with learning and translating for classes. I'm writing an essay about ero-guro nansensu, in Edogawa Ranpo's and Tanizaki Jun'ichiro's novels. It won't be easy, and I need a little help.
I need the following books/essays. So if someone has one of them please contact me. ^^
Edogawa Ranpo. Japanese Tales of Mystery & Imagination. translated by James B. Harris. Tuttle Publishing Company. Tokyo, Japan, 2000. Firsth Edition, 1956. Edogawa Ranpo. The Black Lizard and Beast in the Shadows. translated by Ian Hughes. Kurodahan Press. 2006.
Jim Reichert. Deviance and Social Darwinism in Edogawa Ranpo’s Erotic-Grotesque Thriller Kotô no oni.
(megjelent: The Journal of Japanese Studies, Table of Contents Volume 27, Number 1 Winter 2001)
Jim Reichert. “Disciplining the Erotic-Grotesque in Edogawa Ranpo’s Demon of the Lonely Isle,” in The Culture of Japanese Fascism, ed. Alan Tansman. Forthcoming from Duke University Press.
Jim Reichert. Review of Male Homosexuality in Modern Japan. The Journal of Japanese Studies, vol. 28, no. 1 (2002).
Jim Reichert. “Colonial Dreams and Eugenic Nightmares in Edogawa Ranpo’s Kotô no oni.” Asian/Pacific Studies Institute Lecture Series, Duke University, April 1999.
Jim Reichert. “Science and Sexology in Edogawa Ranpo’s Kotô no oni.” Department of Asian Studies Colloquium Series, University of British Columbia, November 1998.
Ranpo no jidai : Shōwa ero, ruro, nansensu // kōsei Yonezawa Yoshihiro.
乱步の時代 : 昭和エロ・グロ・ナンセンス / 構成米沢嘉博.
Miriam Silverberg. Erotic Grotesque Nonsense: The Mass Culture of Japanese Modern Times. University of California Press, 1 edition, 2007.
Hayashi Mikihiro, “Edogawa Ranpo: Yūjin no minzokugakusha to nanshoku kenkyū, shokan shokōkai,” Mainichi shinbun 27 Nov 2001.
Jeffrey Angles
Seeking the Strange: Ryōki and the Navigation of Normality in Interwar Japan
Monumenta Nipponica - Volume 63, Number 1, Spring 2008, pp. 101-141
Igarashi, Yoshikuni
Edogawa Rampo and the Excess of Vision: An Ocular Critique of Modernity in 1920s Japan
positions: east asia cultures critique - Volume 13, Number 2, Fall 2005, pp. 299-327
女装と犯罪とモダニズム--谷崎潤一郎「秘密」からピス健事件へ (特集 モダニズム期における社会と芸術の〈交通〉) Transvestism, crime, and modernism: sexual deviation in Junichiro Tanizaki's "Himitsu"