been away so long...

Nov 10, 2012 12:16

Well, I most certainly have been away so long. I know this because when I logged in, I had a bajllion new messages in my inbox, all from internet marketers trying desperately to be my friend. Bahhahaha!

Guess the reason I haven't been updating is that I'm in medical school, now in my third year. I surprised I still have hair left, let alone remember my LJ password. So here's my plan - I will try to post at least once a week (hope that satisfies you team), and also keep up with all those wonderful pages I used to, plus a few new ones. I'm sure there are multiple pages hashing out the latest episode of Once upon a time, which if you're not watching, you should be. Seriously, leave now and find it on ... something. ;)

Speaking of shows, I have the latest SPN poised to start, so I'll sign off.

Also a big

to everyone and anyone that was involved with Firefly and Serenity.

They're selling these old-timey art deco cards in various places, including Just sayin'

Long live the Browncoats!

spn, posts, firefly, coming back

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