October cometh... as does a new SPN! :D

Sep 30, 2009 23:05

HOORAY!!! OMSAS application is finally finished. I've only been working on it for a month! GUH! The problem was people getting back to me. Does anyone else know what it feels like to be the only organized person (or it feels like that anyway)?

In other wonderful news, I know I watch Supernatural too much (yes, I knew this before, but now it's invading life). Yesterday in lab, the LI was explaining lab techniques etc to everyone:

Val: "And if you follow the procedure as its written, everything will be okie-dokie."
Me (while trying to stifle laughter, thinks): "I like her. She says okie-dokie."

Not a very good example when a teaching assistant to collapse into giggles at the side bench. Oh my Show, you're turning into my other Monty Python. I still can't look at any bird in lab without "What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?" popping into my head. Oh my. lol Plus Thunderstruck came on the radio while I was doing flywork this morning and I'm REALLY glad no one was in the room or I might have broken eardrums with the noise I made. Love the song anyway, but now there are new associations! :) Can't wait for the new episode.

omsas, supernatural, application finished, squee!, work

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