Restless Shadows

Nov 16, 2007 15:16

The Long and the Short of It just posted their review of Jennifer Cloud’s Restless Shadows.

Restless Shadows is not a light or cheery book, but it does occasionally show flashes of a dry, dark humor that keeps the reader from getting too mired down. The majority of the romance occurs in the first third of the book, and Anna and Nick’s relationship is pretty much established before the meat of the plot begins. But it is only after Nick and Anna fall in love that we get to see how their aforementioned causes collide, and that’s when things start to get really interesting. To stay together, Anna and Nick will have to examine themselves and learn to trust each other. Only when they do that, will they be able to face Shades and survive. Watching the two of them get to that end point is more than worth your time and money.

They give it 3.5 books and if you go comment on the review, you could win a copy! Of course, if you don’t win, it’s still on sale for a short time in the bookshop at 25% off, or available at and Fictionwise.

Mirrored from Drollerie Press. Comment here or there.

restless shadows, cloud, reviews

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