(no subject)

Mar 10, 2009 10:48


1. I had a really fun, funny dream the night before last. I was standing in a nook of a larger room and the lights were dim and the space seemed filled with the bronze glow from the hard wood floor. I was standing in a circle with a bunch of other people, one of whom was Shira Pilarski, and we were passing around a bottle of whiskey-- I think it was Jack Daniels even though I never ever drink Jack Daniels-- and also doing blow, except instead of a powder, it was a liquid and you would use a medicine dropper to squeeze a few droplets onto your fingertips and bump those. I remember the vivid sensation of that total delirious party bliss when you can't believe how much fun you are having. At one point, Shira pressed her forehead up against mine, which was sort of a visual aid to a really funny joke she told. I remembered the joke when I woke up, and I believe it was pretty legitimately funny, but by now its faded. Anyway, good work, Shira.

2. SAN FRANCISCO PEOPLE! I know there are a couple of you on here. This weekend is the Bay Area Anarchist book fair and my roomie/homedawg/mortal enemy Mr. Matt Ray will be there selling his awesome postcards, which he vends under the production guise of Born To Fight Dinosaurs. The postcards are homemade and really great, and I believe some of them use some of the New Orleans pictures I shot. Here's a picture of the handsome devil!

(I believe this is his Baywatch look)
Perhaps the lovely Ms. Carin will be in attendance with him? I don't know. Anyway, you should go and buy his postcards and also buy him a drink.

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