swiped from magnet5

May 22, 2008 22:20

1) Spell your name without the letter E?
Not a problem for this droid!

2) Are you in a relationship?
Sadly, no.

3) When you're at home alone, do you still close the door when you shower?

4) Do you like your life right now?

5) What was the last item you bought?
Indiana Jones tickets :)

6) What was the last thing you drank?
Cherry Coke Zero

10) What plans do you have for tomorrow?

11) What do you hate?
I try not to hate things, but there are things I strongly dislike.

12) Where was the last place you fell asleep?
My bed

14) Do you have a best friend that is a girl?

15) How are things between you and your friends?
Happy :)

16) What is your favorite romance movie?
Charade -- It has romance, intrigue and Cary Grant :)

18) Do you forgive or forget?
I try to do both.

22) What are you thinking about right now?
That this is a stupid question.

23) Who was the last person to tell you they love you?

24) Do you think they meant it?

25) What time did you go to bed last night?

26) What are you currently doing?
Answering this quiz. What kind of question is this??

27) What did you do today?
Work, played phone-tag with Toastr, watched Indiana Jones, packed for GARF

28) Do you hate anyone?
Not at the moment.

29) What was the last thing you ate?
Quesadilla from Moe's

30) Who sits behind you in math?
My last math class was a really long time ago...you expect me to remember?

31) What are you listening to?
The Colbert Report

32) Who does it remind you of?
Stephen Colbert?

33) What was the last movie you watched?
Indiana Jones

34) What CD is in your stereo?
I listened to the new REM album on my iPod the other day...

36) What did you do yesterday?

37) Do you like your music loud or at a reasonable level?
Reasonably loud

38) Are you a beach or a snowy mountain person?
I'd like to be a snowy mountain person

39) What are you doing later?

40) Do you like someone?

41) Where is your biological father right now?
At home, probably asleep by now...

42) Do you have any piercings?
Yes -- my ears

42) Do you have any tattoos?

43) Have you ever been tied up?

44) Have you ever had two dates in one night?
As if -- dates are few and far between here :(

45) What do you get complimented about most?
My smarts

46) Do you get distracted easily?

47) What was your childhood nickname?
I didn't really have any as a child...

48) What would you change about your life right now?
I'd be more outgoing than I am now

49) How do you feel about public displays of affection?
I'm okay with it as long as it's not excessive.

50) What's the dumbest thing you have done in a car?
Crammed six people in a car made for four

51) Do you live alone?

52) Can you keep a secret?

53) What was the best year of your life?
This year

55) Have you ever played Twister?

56) Have you ever been drunk at school?

57) Last thing received in the mail?
Junk from the Science Fiction Book club.

58) Have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with a D?

59) Do you have trust issues?

60) Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
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