Ebook DRM Removal Guide

Apr 08, 2014 13:28

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New Nook DRM Scheme droewyn April 28 2015, 14:44:48 UTC
Changes at Barnes & Noble

In mid-2014, Barnes & Noble changed the way they generated encryption keys. Instead of deriving the key from the user's name and credit card number, they started generating a random key themselves, sending that key through to devices when they connected to the B&N servers. This means that some users will find that no combination of their name and CC# will work in decrypting their ebooks.

There is a work-around. B&N's desktop apps for Mac and Windows (nook for Mac/PC, nookStudy) generate a log file that contains the encryption key. For Mac the log file can be found somewhere in [user folder]/Library/Application Support/Barnes & Noble/ and for Windows the log file can be found somewhere in C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\Barnes & Noble\

In both cases, the log file will be called BNClientLog.txt

You will need to open the application, sign in to your account, and download your books, checking that you can read them in the application, and then quit the application.

Then you must open the log file in a text editor and search for CCHashResponseV1. Immediately after that text should be some more text, similar to ccHash: "rLYiGD+vcPoXvsj/87kDAb1AkBy="

Copy the text after ccHash, include the " marks. Save it in a new text file, with file name extension .b64

Follow the instructions below "Importing Existing Keyfiles:" to import that newly saved file into the preferences.

Importing Existing Keyfiles:

At the bottom-left of the plugin’s customization dialog, you will see a button labeled "Import Existing Keyfiles". Use this button to import existing ‘.b64’ key files. Key files might come from being exported from this or older plugins, or may have been generated using the original i♥cabbages script, or you may have made it by following the instructions above.


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