+010 Arbeiten und Spielen

Jan 31, 2008 16:35

A lot has happen since my last entry! I think I will take this opportunity (oppertunity??) to tell about it.

-Mein Geburtstag! My Birthday, auf Englisch. Kristoph came over and gave me cake with beans and new sunglasses! They's real nice but 's not going to wear them in court. I can't get away with saying these new ones are prescription!

Also took my girlfriend Ema out on Saturday night. Sorry Big D. I know I was supposed to call you and we were going to hang out -- this weekend ok??

-Visited Herr von Karma. Was interesting visit. I greatly appriciated opportunity (oppertunity??) to be visiting him. His ideals very precise und he is man who ist not easily impressed. I learn quite a deal from him, hopeful it helps me in courtroom.

-Mock trial!! Big D, I signed up as Prosecutor for mock trial at your school. Your school has bad security. Tell me if I get the part ok?? By looks of list, you are probably desperates for people anyways. It be just like time I wrote test while sitting in on one of your class.

Ok but enoughs of that, I's thinking about getting pet! I needs suggestions.

EDIT!: I meant to adds this as I don't know when next opportunity (oppertunity??) come up. Kristoph, I's not going to call you Krissi anymore. I'm an adult now, so I should not be calling you something I called you when I was tiny! You's don't call me Klavi anymore so now that I's grown-up, I won't calls you Krissi! Just Kristoph (and Kris!).

ema, birthday yayz, school, work, bff 4 lyfe, von karma

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