[SCENE] Gavin Thanksgibbing

Nov 26, 2007 03:25

(Note: None of these are spoilers. Everything about the Gavin Bros. back story is made up :B)

* Klavier pays the cab driver as they arrive out infront of Kristoph's house before getting out. He's wearing a deep purple coloured suit jacket with a black turtleneck and red sweater, his hair is combed considerably better than usual as well. He steps to the front door and presses the doorbell before standing up straight; a little anxious about his first Thanksgiving
* Kristoph sets down the wine he had been about to uncork and moves to answer the door, dressed in simple earth-tone sweater vest over a collared shirt, with slacks. He opens the door and looks Klavier over, pleased.
Kristoph: Hello, Klavier. I see you dressed up after all.
* Kristoph smiles
* Klavier smiles back at Kristoph
Klavier: Selbstvers--
Klavier: Of course! You asked me to dress up, afterall.
* Klavier beams at remembering to speak in English
* Kristoph nods slightly, approving, and steps aside to let Klavier inside.
Kristoph: It suits you very well. You ought to dress like this more often.
* Klavier steps inside and takes off his dress shoes, which he'd opted to wear instead of his usual boots, followed by his purple jacket, which he hangs up on a hanger
Klavier: It... Feels a little funny to be dressed up. I think the last time I wore this was my graduation, before I moved here...
* Klavier he smiles a little sheepishly at Kristoph
Klavier: Mm... Something smells gut [good]. Is it the stuffings and potatoes?
* Kristoph gestures towards the dining room
Kristoph: Why don't you go have a look?
* Kristoph closes the door behind him
* Klavier nods to his brother before he eagerly moves to the dining room with a wide grin across his face, like an excited child on Christmas morning
* Kristoph follows his brother to the dining room, where he has set up the most traditional Thanksgiving dinner he could think of--turkey (already sliced), potatoes, stuffing, and cornbread)
* Kristoph retrieves the wine he left earlier
Kristoph: Will you have a drink? I won't tell anyone.
* Klavier looks over the entire Thanksgiving spread across the dining room table before looking at Kristoph
Klavier: Krissi dieses ist absolut ersta-- This is amazing, Kris! You did all of this for me?
* Klavier eyes the wine bottle and raises an eyebrow
Klavier: You promise you won't tell?
* Klavier gives the man a bit of a teasing smile
Kristoph: Just this once, anyway.
* Kristoph winks, and pours them each a glass
Kristoph: And I intend to eat some as well, you know. Go ahead and sit down.
* Klavier takes his glass of wine and goes to sit down at the table, chuckling a little
Klavier: I don't know, Kris. I just might hab to eat this entire turkey myself...
* Kristoph takes a sip of his wine on his way to his seat
Kristoph: That's fine. I already tucked a drumbstick away for myself, just in case.
* Klavier chuckles and sips his own wine
Klavier: Hab the other one too, I don't like dark meat that much anyways
Kristoph: Good. More for me.
* Kristoph smiles as he starts to carefully fork some of the turkey onto his plate
Kristoph: Please, help yourself. We don't need to observe quite every formality.
* Klavier nods and starts loading his plate up with mashed potatos, stuffing, corn and sweet potatos before topping it off with turkey and cranberry sauce
Klavier: Are we going to have a nice dinner like this for Christmas too?
* Klavier adds more stuffing to his plate, using his fork to mash it into the potato
* Kristoph raises an eyebrow at the amount of food Klavier is taking, filling his plate with just turkey and potatoes for now.
Klavier: I saved you some stuffing...?
* Klavier smiles and gestures to the pitiful amount left in the bottom of the dish with his fork
* Kristoph glances to it, a little annoyed but mostly amused
Kristoph: No, you go ahead. It's your first Thanksgiving, after all.
Kristoph: And you have a lot to be thankful for.
* Kristoph pulls three muffins of cornbread onto his plate before Klavier can get to them
* Klavier shovels a fork full of mashed potato and stuffing into his mouth before nodding quickly
Klavier: I do have a lot to be thanksful for. I'm especially thanksful you invited me for dinner -- these potatos are really good!
Kristoph: It's pretty difficult to make potatoes poorly, but thank you.
Kristoph: So. How has your work been?
* Klavier shakes his head and eats more before answering
Klavier: When mother and I were in Yugoslavia, we had some terrible potatos.
Klavier: They were lumpy and full of pepper.
Klavier: And I think there was an entire onion-- oh, work?
Klavier: Work's been... alright.
Kristoph: You'll have to let me know next time you're on the docket. I would like to come see you prosecute again.
* Kristoph cuts his turkey up into itty bitty pieces before eating
Klavier: Oh! Of course! I'd love for you to come see me again!
Klavier: You should come to see my band play sometime too... We've gotten besser.
Kristoph: Ah...of course you have.
* Kristoph doesn't look nearly so interested in that as going to court
Kristoph: That friend of yours... Mr. Mayudzuki, is it?
* Klavier nods
Klavier: Ja, what about Daian?
* Kristoph considers what he's about to suggest for a long moment, finally deciding it can't be as bad as idea as his gut tells him it is
Kristoph: Why don't you invite him over for New Years?
Klavier: For New Years? Are you going to hab a party...?
Kristoph: I'm not sure I would call it that. But I was thinking of inviting a few friends, for drinks.
Klavier: I'll ask Daian if he wants to come. He'll probably come. Can we bring our guitars?
* Klavier excitedly asks all this before shoving turkey and yams into his mouth and grabbing a piece of cornbread
* Kristoph applies butter to his cornbread and takes his time replying
Kristoph: I...suppose. But no drums, and no amplifiers. Wooden guitars only. My house is not a concert hall.
* Klavier chuckles a little
Klavier: That's fine, just me and D, no amps or anything... I don't know if he'll be able to put down Anna though, I was going to buy him a synthesizer for her as his Christmas gift...
Kristoph: Ah, yes... hm. So you still celebrate Christmas...?
* Klavier blinks in confusion at Kristoph
Klavier: Is Christmas... un-American?
* Kristoph takes a sip of his wine
Kristoph: No, not at all. I simply haven't celebrated Christmas myself for years now.
Klavier: Oh...
* Klavier scraches the back of his neck a little nervously
Klavier: Did you... ever get the cards mother und I sent you every year at least?
Kristoph: Yes, of course.
* Kristoph looks a little uncomfortable for a moment, then slowly smiles at his brother across the table
Kristoph: Were you hoping I would get you something?
* Klavier takes another sip of his wine before looking back at Kris
Klavier: Oh, no... I just... thought we'd maybe have Christmas this year. Mine wasn't good last year since Mother was in the hospital and everything... it's okay if we don't do anything though.
* Kristoph considers, taking another long sip of his wine
Kristoph: Well. If it's that important to you, you're always welcome to come for dinner again. I just can't promise you colored lights and a tree.
Klavier: Dinner would be fine!
* Klavier smiles brightly
* Kristoph straightens a bit in his chair
Kristoph: All right, then. Dinner, Christmas Eve. Though...it may be a bit simpler than all this.
Klavier: That will be fine -- thank you, Kris. I know it will be great!
Kristoph: Maybe a roast, then... with steamed vegetables...
* Kristoph mumbles thoughtfully to himself
* Klavier smears the remaining cranberry sauce on another piece of cornbread now that his plate is cleared
Klavier: I'll bring a cake for desert!
* Kristoph looks a little surprised
Kristoph: Cake? Do you know how to bake?
* Klavier chews his cornbread thoughtfully for a moment
Klavier: I saw D's mom making one once. It doesn't look too hard!
* Kristoph looks very doubtful
Kristoph: A storebought cake would be just fine.
* Klavier grins
Klavier: Okay... but only if I can't make one!
* Kristoph still doesn't look very convinced
Kristoph: Do you have an idea of what kind you want to make?
* Klavier sips his wine casually
Klavier: A white one.
Kristoph: A white one. *deadpan* Is that it?
* Klavier looks confused for a moment
Klavier: Did... you want a brown one?
* Kristoph glances away, not sure if he should be laughing
Kristoph: No...a white cake is perfectly fine.
Klavier: Okay, good. I don't think I can make a brown one. They have more ingedients... Is there any cornbread left?
* Klavier looks around the table
* Kristoph covers the one still on his plate and smiles sharply
Kristoph: I'm afraid not.
Klavier: Well, you better make some at Christmas, ja?
Kristoph: I'd be happy to.
* Kristoph slides the muffin under his napkin and goes back to finishing his potatoes
* Klavier smiles
Klavier: You spoil me, Kris
* Klavier gets up and goes around the table to throw his arms around Kris' shoulders in a goofy hug
* Kristoph tries to shrug him off, though he is smiling
* Klavier slips his hand beneath Kris' napkin and steals his cornbread as he walks back to his seat
Klavier: mmhmm, spoil me.
* Klavier takes a bite of the stolen cornbread
* Kristoph stares at Klavier, then his napkin, then back, his smile a little strained
Kristoph: Only because you're new in town, dear brother. I won't be able to spoil you for much longer.
* Kristoph stabs his last piece of turkey
* Klavier finishes the rest of his wine
Klavier: Just think of it as... another favour I'll owe you sometime.
* Kristoph finishes his plate
Kristoph: I am keeping track, you realize. I have a good memory.
* Klavier chuckles lightly
Klavier: I know, I know. I don't mind though, that's what brother's are for.
Kristoph: Which do you mean? Good memories, or accumulating debts?
* Kristoph dabs at his mouth with his napkin
Klavier: A little bit of both?
Kristoph: Hmm. I suppose.
* Kristoph picks a bit of the leftover darkmeat off the serving plate to nibble on
Kristoph: Have you had enough?
* Klavier stretches out with a content sigh
Klavier: I think so!
Kristoph: I'm afraid I don't have any dessert to add to it. The store was out of pumpkin pie by the time I thought to look for some.
Klavier: Don't worry about that, Kris! I'm starting to feel real full now... Maybe that last piece of cornbread was a bit too much...
* Kristoph smirks with a bit of "I told you so"
Kristoph: Serves you right.
* Kristoph pushes back from the table to begin gathering the dishes
* Klavier sits up quickly
Klavier: Did you want me to help with the dishes?
Kristoph: Thank you, I'd appreciate it.
* Kristoph carries a few of the dishes to the sink and rolls up his sleeves
* Klavier stands and starts gathering up the dishes near him before carrying them to the kitchen and grabbing a dish towel
* Kristoph starts the water running and reaches for the dish soap
Kristoph: So what do you think of your first Thanksgiving so far, Klavier?
* Klavier rolls ups his sleeves and smiles
Klavier: Great! It's been really delicious so far!
Kristoph: I'm glad. That is about all that's required for this holiday, after all.
* Kristoph starts with the potato dishes
* Klavier takes one of the dishes once Kristoph finishes washing it and begins to dry it
Klavier: You know... Mother really would have enjoyed this I think...
* Kristoph tenses just slightly, but continues washing
Kristoph: Yes, I'm sure she would have. With the three of us.
* Klavier sets the dry dish aside as he takes a new one to dry
Klavier: It's a shame you didn't get to see her before she had to be in the hospital...
Kristoph: It's probably best that I didn't. Her health was alredy frail--she didn't need me there causing her more stress.
* Klavier frowns a little
Klavier: She was... but she missed you too.
* Kristoph snorts quietly
Kristoph: I'm sure she told you as much. But you were probably too young to remember...
* Kristoph shakes his head
Kristoph: No, we shouldn't dwell on it.
* Klavier silently dries dishes and puts them away in the cupboards
* Kristoph watches his brother for a moment, and finally sighs
Kristoph: You'll understand when you're older, Klavier. Some people, even family, just aren't meant to get along.
* Klavier sighs a little and shake his head
Klavier: I... know, Kris. I'm... sorry. You're right... We shouldn't dwell on it.
* Kristoph hands him another dish, still watching him
Kristoph: But there's still something on your mind, isn't there...?
* Klavier shakes his head, putting away the last of the dishes
Klavier: No, no... I'm okay, Kwistop-- ah, Kristoph. I hab just been thinking about... silly things. I shouldn't think about how it would be if Mother and Vater were still alive. I hab you now.
* Kristoph answers too quickly, almost defensively
Kristoph: But they're not alive. Maybe that's one more thing to be thankful for.
* Kristoph shuts off the water and begins to dry his hands
* Klavier bites his tongue and wipes his hands down with the towel before hanging it up
* Kristoph braces his hands on the counter, tense for a moment before finally relaxing once more
Kristoph: ...I'm sorry. You know I don't mean that.
Klavier: I... know.
* Klavier sighs and looks away
Klavier: I should stop... behaving like this. I suppose I'm... being childish.
Kristoph: No. No, it's not you.
* Kristoph pushes away from the counter and takes Klavier's shoulder
Kristoph: I forget sometimes that you were still with our mother...not all that long ago. I shouldn't have said anything.
Klavier: I... should get going home soon, shouldn't I? Thank you, for dinner, Kris.
* Kristoph lets his hand fall awkwardly
Kristoph: If you want. Do you want me to drive you home?
* Klavier is silent as he directs his attention to the counter for a moment
Klavier: ...I think I'll just call for a cab. You've... probably had a long day, getting everything ready and all... I don't want to be any more trouble...
* Kristoph smiles thinly
Kristoph: Don't be silly. It's not far from here--it's no problem to take you. I'll even leave you with the wine, if you want it.
Klavier: ...Alright. If it's not too much of a bother...
Kristoph: Of course it isn't. Just make sure no one catches you drinking, all right?
* Kristoph moves to retrieve the bottle and cork it back up
* Klavier nods with a bit of a smile
Klavier: I will.
* Kristoph leads the way to the front hall to get shoes and coat
Kristoph: And remember, you're having Christmas Even dinner here. If there is anything in particular you want to eat, let me know.
* Klavier follows to get his own jacket and shoes on
Klavier: Alright. If I think of anything, I will hab to let you know.
* Kristoph gets his wallet and keys, and lets Klavier out ahead of him
Kristoph: I should probably make more next time, so there are leftovers to be had...
* Klavier takes the wine bottle with him when he leaves
Klavier: I'll... try not to eat so much next time too.
* Klavier offers a bit of a sheepish smile
Kristoph: No no, it's all right. You have a lot more growing to do than I, after all.
* Kristoph locks up after them and heads for the driver's side of the car
* Klavier follows, heading to the passenger side and getting in when Kris unlocks it
* Kristoph settles in and starts the car
Kristoph: I'm a little surprised you didn't take your motorcycle tonight. You seem so fond of it.
Klavier: I didn't want to mess up my hair... I spent too long trying to get it to sit down in the back.
* Kristoph glances over it, taking notice again before pulling out of the driveway
Kristoph: Ah, so you did. Like I said, you should dress up more often.
Klavier: I'll dress up again at Christmas, for dinner...
Kristoph: This is the point where I could remark about you dressing more professionally at work...but considering it's a holiday, I'll refrain.
* Klavier leans back a bit against the seat, looking out the window
Klavier: I meet the dress code's standard.
* Kristoph starts to respond, then remembers what he just said only a moment ago, and gives up for now.
Kristoph: If they allow it, I have no right to complain.
Klavier: I guess not.
* Kristoph glances at Klavier again, and after a moment shakes his head. He falls silent for the rest of the way to Klavier's apartment
* Klavier gets out of the car as soon as they reach the front of his building, taking the wine with him
Klavier: Thanks for dinner, Kris. I'll... call you sometime next week and tell you when my next trial is.
* Kristoph smiles
Kristoph: I'm looking forward to it.
Klavier: ...Okay. Bye.
* Klavier closes the passenger side door and walks off; fully intending to uncork the win as soon as he's inside
* Kristoph 's smile quickly vanishes, and he watches only long enough to see Klavier get in safely before driving away

dysfunctional family issues, family, brother

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