I know it might not seem like much compared to a bunch of other communities, but I'm happy to know that I have 60+ members! In a couple of minutes, I suppose about 10~30 minutes after opening my community, I already had 40+ members :) I just want to thank everyone who joined this community! I appreciate it, I really do ♥ So in "celebration", I'm going to take requests for graphics/translations. Just fill out this form below.
Oh, and I know that there a bunch of communities already translating big JE group's articles such as NEWS, Arashi, and Hey! Say! JUMP, but if there was a article that they may have not translated, then feel free to request that! I know that a lot of juniors get neglected in the form of translating or graphics, so I'd be happy to fufill those needs too. In fact, they don't even have to be JE. They could be anybody really, and for graphics, that has endless possibilities. I could make graphics out of things that aren't Japanese-related. Sorry for ranting on here, but I just want you guys to know that I'm really nice and I'm not going to refuse anything :)
So, anyways, the forms. They're extremely simple, and they will probably take only about a minute to fill out. Just make sure you have the picture/article/text ready to link! By the way, for the pictures (for graphics and/or translations), make sure they aren't too small for me to read or make graphics out of.
Graphics Request Form -
What would you like me to make (icons, banners, etc):
Link to picture[s]:
Any requests such as coloring, the specific crop place, etc:
Any other comments:
Is there a certain time that you would like the graphic by:
Translations Request Form -
Link to picture/article/text:
Is there a certain time that you would like the graphic by:
And if you have the time, please answer to this poll :)
Poll Which magazine article would you like to be translated first? Thank you!