Oct 01, 2006 15:14
Gah. I'm fairly sick right now. I just came down with a minor case of laryngitis. It is really irritating but its a bit better than yesterday when it hurt to talk (more accurately it hurt when I tried to talk). So for the next little while I'll probably be even quieter than usual.
Been trying to do my school work lately and I realise I'm really really screwed in some of my courses. All the material in Cmpe 382 is way over my head. Cmput 313 the lecture notes don't help and the assignment is vague and confusing. I think I might have to purchase the text (possibly a good idea seeing). Cmpe 401 is so-so, I think I understand the material but its fairly similar to EE 382 and I did slightly below average on that course. That basically means I'm only remotely confortable with Cmpe 410 (which is all projects and is likely to consume a lot of time) and Cmpe 420 (which has so far one semi-difficult assignment and a crap load of material to memorize). This semester is looking fairly unpleasent, so hopefully next semester will be better (not likely).
In terms of fun stuff I've been playing Lego Star Wars 2 and UT2K4. Both are a lot of fun despite being worlds apart. I'm trying to learn how to use Unreal Ed so that I can (very) slowly put together a level. So far I can create a room, texture it and add some actors (spawn points and lights so far). Currently trying to get the textures to look better and lining up the textures between the rooms and hallway.