Oh come on. Don't tell me you've never wanted to drag out a huge, powerful C that makes you and your instrument vibrate together. Or have a creepy soft growl that actually makes a grrr sound. I'm sorry, but E strings just aren't worth giving that up.
FINE! i guess i am defeated for now.....but i will be back!
and i love fallacies by the way! they're amazing! and when you use them on people who have no idea what they are, it makes you sound smart! why couldnt you let me sound smart you guys?
this is the only, i repeat, the ONLY time i wish i had a C string on my instrument! congrats adrian. you get a point on this one. but thats it!
miss you!
Oh come on. Don't tell me you've never wanted to drag out a huge, powerful C that makes you and your instrument vibrate together. Or have a creepy soft growl that actually makes a grrr sound. I'm sorry, but E strings just aren't worth giving that up.
except for Firebird. man i love that introduction! talk about a cool cello part! doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo!
(me singing the part for anyone thats wondering)
you read too quickly. E strings AREN'T worth giving that (C string) up.
come on everyone back me up! you know you all like E strings the best!
and i love fallacies by the way! they're amazing! and when you use them on people who have no idea what they are, it makes you sound smart! why couldnt you let me sound smart you guys?
I love fallacies too, but more because they make people sound ridiculous. : )
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