Oct 29, 2005 18:17
H'okay here's the low down. Today was an exciting day, I tried to fly with my flight instructor at 10:45am, but I was #16 standby for a plane, so I didn't get to fly then, but I was on again for 2:30pm. I was a little pissed off because I didn't get to fly when the weather was excellent, but instead the weather started to get progressively worse.
Well as I was in my room my friend Mark comes at 1:00 in all dressed up and says "Hey do you want to go flying?" and being the airplane slut I am I said, "YES!" So we went down to the flight center and got an airplane. It was N683DW, or Webster 83, and I heard that this plane had an engine fire a couple weeks ago, and then an entire electrical failure last week, so I was really weary about taking this beast up. Anyway we preflighted the airplane and then took off. We just stayed at the airport doing Touch & Goes and switching off who took off and who landed, so I would land, and then takeoff, he'd takeover, he'd land and takeoff, and then I would take over...etc. Well anyway it was good practice for landings and on the last one I heard a girl that I recognized, and I remembered that she flies with my instructor before I do, so I was like CRAP MY INSTUCTOR IS IN THE SAME VICINITY AS ME! And then the controller has her plane follow mine for landing, so I landed which was a very nice landing, and then she did. I wasn't sure if I was going to get in trouble for going up with my friend, but anyway my friend has his private pilot's license and over 200 hours in an airplane so I think I was set, but I felt like I was running away from the cops.
After that I met up with my instructor, didn't have a clue that I went flying before hand and still doesn't so sssshhhhh. Anyway we went up, went to the practice area did some power-on stalls, steep turns, and then "unusual attitudes." The unusual attitudes were wicked fun! It's where you close your eyes, and then the flight instructor takes the plane, moves it all about trying to discoordinate you and then you open up your eyes and you have to fix what they've done and bring the plane back to straight and level flight. After that was done she told me to do my checklist, so as I was doing that she pulled the power out on me!!! I was like, oh now why did you go and do that? So she asked what I have to do. So I told her, airspeed, best place to land, and then checklist. So I did that and found a field that I could land at, so I set up for it and she was pleased. Then it was time to head back to Nashua...the only thing was between me and Nashua there was a HUGE snowcloud, so my flight instructor took over and we got to Nashua. Then I set up for a landing and landed the thing, then my flight instructor asked me if I wanted to do more landings, so I said sure, because I haven't flown in over 2 weeks. So then we just did touch & goes, but they were all CRAPPPPPPPP because I kept bouncing and everything wasn't going well, so after 6 of those we went back in and briefed, and I passed my lesson so now this means....
ahem....drumroll please....
I'M FREAKIN SOLOING TOMORROW!!! TOMORROW IS THE DAY! I CAN'T WAIT! Finally! After 3 weeks of crappy weather and waiting I finally get to solo! My parents are coming over to watch me as well so I'm excited to see them.
Anyway that's all I really wanted to say, I'll probably update tomorrow as well to say how it went and everything. Oh boy! Je n'attend pas!!!
Signing out.