First Flight

Sep 02, 2005 11:27

Yesterday was amazing. I just had psychology in the morning from 9:30-10:50, and then nothing until 2:30 for my flight block. Flying was spectacular yesterday, it couldn't have been better. I was at the flight center at 2:15 for my 2:30 flight block, because we have to brief before we even get into the plane, so I showed up early to get the maximum flying time in...ha-ha-ha...I went into my instructors office and she wasn't there, so I knew she was still with another student flying or something...2:45 came and her and her student comes in and they debriefed on what they needed to fix and whatnot. Then it was time for my briefing, by this time it was around 3 o'clock. It took us not even 2 minutes to brief because I know what I need to do already. So I had my stuff already and waited in line for a plane key...15 minutes later I get my key to the plane. We got a different plane than we expected but it was all good. So then I was doing my preflight to make sure everything is in working order, so I did, then we noticed that we needed more fuel. Well we called for more fuel and finished the preflight. 15 minutes later at 3:30 we get our fuel. As soon as the fuel went into the wing, I was there with my fuel tester to make sure it was O.K. After we finished that I hopped into the airplane and finished the rest of the preflight. Turned on the engine and did a radio call for taxi to runway 32. It was cool. If you have never heard a radio call it goes something like this: "Nashua ground this is Webster 80 on college ramp wanting to taxi to runway 32 with Uniform." You might ask yourself...what the heck is Uniform? Well airports have these things called ATIS's and it's a weather briefing, so before you take off they want to know if you have the most current ATIS. After that radio call I taxied to runway 32, my flight instructor said I was pretty good at it, I wasn't going all over the place like the other students. Then we finall got in line for take off. We did an engine check, a magneto check, aileron, elevator, and rudder checks so everything was good to go. I then taxied to a line right before runway 32 and then talked to the tower: "Nashua tower this is Webster 80 holding short on runway 32 wanting approval for westbound departure." Then the tower said we had to hold short for a couple more minutes as two planes landed before us, then we were told to go out on to the runway and hold there. My instructor told me to line up with the centerline on the runway...It couldn't have been more perfect, she was really impressed. Then we got approval for westbound departure and cleared for takeoff. The take off was perfect as well, it was great. Then while in the air my flight instructor told me to turn the airplane to different headings, and I was doing them really well too. Then she told me to turn to a different heading while holding the same altitude, did that. Then she said turn to this heading while keeping this speed, did that. Then she's like, "Ok now I want you to turn to this heading and climb to 2,500" so I was like..uuhh turn and climb? Haven't done that before, but she said I was doing really good and she needed to challenge me. So I did it! And then by that time it was time to head back to Nashua. We lined up parallel to the runway and then went to our final approach. I lined up with the runway perfectly, she said I did an awesome job judging when to turn for the final and line up with the runway. The only thing that she could get on me was that on final I was going 60 knots when I was supposed to go 65-70 knots. We were also high in altitude so all I had to do was push the nose down to gain more speed and lose altitude. I came very close to landing the airplane, my instructor took over for the landing, but she said I was the only student to come close to landing the plane. So I liked hearing that, hopefully tomorrow I can land it. I can't wait to fly again I love it so much. Then Andrea and Tyler came over to watch me land but since I took off later I told them to come later, but there was a person who needed the plane after us so we landed at 4:30 as scheduled so they missed it. But then I showed Andrea & Tyler my dorm room and they met my roommate Don. After that my parents & Abby came over to see me, they were both really proud of my first flight. We then went out to Ruby Tuesday's for dinner which was good! Then I had to be back by 8 o'clock to go to a musician's meeting in the Common Thread. After an hour and a half we have different musical groups and managers. Being the band geek that I am, I am the manager for the Drum Corps. It should be a whole lot of fun, so I can't wait. Then tonight Don and I are going to Rochester, NH to go see the Spaulding Marching Band strut their stuff at tonights first home football game. I'm excited to see all my old friends, I miss them a lot. After that's done Don is sleeping over my house and then in the morning we're coming back to DWC to drop Don off so he won't miss his flight block, then I'm watching Andrea's volleyball game, and then at 2:30 is my flight block!!! And on Sunday I have another flight block at 12:40, so I'm getting a lot of flying in this weekend, I can't wait! Well anyway gotta jet!

Signing out.
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