well i'm registered finally

Aug 03, 2005 18:04

well today was the last day i had orientation at utep. it was long, somewhat dumb but i still learned some stuff. i got my scheduel today, i like it, this is what i have...

mwf- political science 2310
jazz to rock 1327

tr- intro to sociology 1301
history 1301

so ya their all morning classes so i'm sure target won't mind since i usually work nights.

another cool thing, i went to my financial aid page at utep and i apparently won another scholarship! i have no idea who gave it to me but its there haha its $750 too so ya any little will help.

in other news, concordia awaits might be going to dallas. we were invited to go with demoic and heartfelt embrace. the reason i said we might is becuz of me. 1st problem is my parents. i really doubt they would let me go with a bunch of people they don't know. 2nd problem is work. i'm on a 90 day probation since i just started. if i start asking for time off it might look bad. i'm gonna have to talk with one of my supervisors. i think the hardest is going to be convincing my parents. so i dunno i hope we can. we're gonna have to practice a shitload and i would need to order some equipment.

other than that nothing much has gone down. been spending a lot of time with maureen and friends. all my buddies came to watch the band last friday. that was cool.

well thats all for today. i'll try to update more cuz i notice lj is kinda dying hahaha have a good one~!

<3 m+j
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