Warning: Whining ahead

Aug 05, 2007 14:38

I am very tired. I was on MICU last month and was working from 6AM to at least 6PM with being on call every Friday; so I did not get home until at least 7:30 AM every Saturday (except for two when I had to work until 1PM and then be back at work at 6AM on Sunday). I was on call on Friday (so I have been on call for the last 6 Fridays in a ROW!) and yesterday when I got home I was still on an adrenaline high. So Wilson and I went to see the new Harry Potter movie (disappointing even though the 5th book was my favorite) and when we finally got home I had such bad cramps in my legs, back and neck that I didn't sleep worth crap. So I am very tired today, but I am still getting stuff done.
I have an appointment with the Obstetrician Tuesday and then I will get a script for the ultrasound so Wilson and I can finally find out what the baby is (girl or boy). My belly is starting to grow and it is pretty exciting. My appetite is still kinda poor, but I am trying to make sure I eat and trying really hard to drink enough water (but it is really not easy).
I made pb chocolatey brownies, hopefully they will turn out good. They smell good. I am on Nephrology now (dealing with the kidneys) and the hours are better but I am on call tomorrow and Saturday. My weekends are being monopolized by work, boo. I miss being able to sleep in. I have not slept in in so long that I woke up at 7AM today and thought I had slept until 10AM.
I need to call my best friend and set up when we can get together so I can give her her bday gift. I also have to set up a day when Wilson and I can give Kyla her bday gift. My sister kicks ass! She is going to paint the baby's room because she is so talented and make the ceiling look like a sky with clouds and the walls like a castle. Boy or girl we are doing a fairy-tale theme. One of the quilted wall hangings my mom is doing is Children of Lir(Irish fairy tale). If its a girl the other will be Cinderella and something else that I have not yet determined. If it is a bow the other will be Hansel and Gretel and something else, not yet determined. I had to break down and buy maternity clothes, even though my regular clothes still fit. Plus size maternity clothes are not easy to find and are not all that pretty.
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