Apr 11, 2006 01:16
I have cockjaw.
or something similiar. cause the muscles on the right side of my jaw have been so severely strained for the last couple days that i can hardly chew anything without intense pain. it's not my teeths either, they are just innocent bystanders in all of this. not fair.
ask yourself this: have you seen V for Vendetta yet?
(a) Yes
(b) No
if you chose B, then what the heck-pie is wrong with you?! I've seen it three times already! (once by myself, once with Lucinda, Sara, Clarence, Eric-hei, and Michelle; and once with Megan and Palo) see it, i've been preaching this movie's radness for the last 3 weeks or so! and if you know anything about my choice in movies, i only recommend awesomeness. (yes, i know i own some crap.. but i don't recommend those. i just watch and love those shitty movies in the comfort of my own home and ask nobody else to partake in their campiness).
ohh i almost forgot. this is my favorite. i received the highest marks of any full-time assistant manager in our entire district on my appraisal. it afforded me a whole $0.36 raise!!! WOW! seriously. gee, i can cure world hunger with all of that extra cash! i feel so worthwhile and appreciated! i think i'm gonna celebrate by going out and throwing a quarter into a gumball machine!
hey.. call me.. i could use a voice in my ear to help override the one that's currently telling me to slam my head into a chalkboard.