The latest funny bit was just now on the drive home from dinner. I wasn't the one who had alcohol with dinner but
bflan wasn't impressed with my driving skills. Did I mention this will be a very likely anyway very rambly entry? Today hasn't been the only ADD/sleep dep. day. The other day I had coffee w/ breakfast since I figured if I couldn't remember an intended task for more than about 3 seconds that wasn't good. I'm talking about wandering around the bathroom holding a toothbrush and staring (PS - my spelling ability seems to have disappeared, too much to bflan's annoyance.) at it and trying to figure out if I should brush my teeth or had already. Not good.
Most every evening this week has been an utter disaster. One day P. came home from school w/ borrowed pants and underwear and a baggie of soaked clothing. Of course he doesn't have spare clothes at school he's toilet trained. I'm thinking its time to give them some more strongid. Oh and the day I had coffee for breakfast I bought a new bag of decaf. My theory having been that on the rare occ. I drink coffee that it might be nice to drink it in the evening. Which seems a bit silly because almost always I have coffee because I'm feeling incoherent.
So days have been good. Seen
sometimesrose twice. Went on swan walk. Swan walk had an hour lecture attached at the end and started 20 min late. Which meant my neighbor was a bit put out to have her daughter missing for and extra 80min and to have my children to watch in addition to hers for same. Mine missed martial arts and we skipped the last class before the holiday break so this would have been first back. Came home and tossed pancakes on the table (thank goodness for weekend leftovers!) and salad when G. decided pancakes were too sugary for him to eat. This amongst whining that why couldn't we have salmon and noodles (and cherry crisp) like the house we just left? "Because noodles take 20 min to cook and its already past bed time."
The next night(Thur) I worked. Thankfully P. conked an hour before offical bedtime for the sitter. (Tue - I can't even rememb. why they were up till 9PM+ - mostly because they were giggling to each other and doing I don't know what if I didn't stand at the foot of the bed screaming at them. Who ever came up w/ the idea of a 2 week winter break should not come anywhere near my house this week let me tell you!!!)
Today I had ROLFing in Alex and bra shopping. I am not even going to go into the shopping fiasco. Suffice to say the store was, "between the winter and spring season" so didn't have much useful in stock. Always, nice to let someone who lives an hour away know you just have the dregs when they make their appointment - thanks. Grr.
So onto the Beltway only to find out there is a pothole on a bridge and traffic is stopped since there is 1 lane usable. Glad we have all those update/anti-terror signs and we can't be bothered to turn one on and say - hey detour on the streets since the highway is a gaping maw. So with 90 minutes to get home (on a 45 min trip) I call my neighbor and leave a message asking if he can get the boys off the bus. Since he's not home I call Brian and leave a message as to situation. Neighbor comes home says sure. Still not past pothole I call the school 30 minutes before dismissal - 60 min to ETA w/ bus) and explain can they please tell the driver its okay for the boys to go to next stop if I'm not there. (The beyond insane thing about this is the next stop is less than 0.1miles) Get home w/ 15 minutes to spare somehow. Boys get off bus -
Yea - they remembered all on their own G. has a house key and moved it from his backpack and had it in his pants pocket. So responsible.
Sigh - P had a hugh melt down getting off at our stop bc he had a note and they announced at dismissial that they should go to the neighbors. He was looking forward to playing there.
More sigh - P got some food, a little calm and burst into tears he lost his house key. Had to explain that no Mommy took it away when he left it in the door a while back. Didn't explain it nicely but he was mollified that I knew exactly where it was and told him he could have it back if he didn't leave it around.
In the midst of this Brian and I decided he would come home early and we would go out to dinner tonight. We were supposed to be ready to go when he came home but I wasn't up to it. So, we ended up leaving for dinner an hour later than planned and had 1 quick stop needed before hand. The whole idea of going early was so P could get to bed on time since he's clearly melting down all week from lack of sleep. Get seated in nearly empty reasturant at 6:38 PM finish dinner at 8PM - good meal, wait staff needs to come and take orders a "bit" quicker". Just standing up - neighbors walk in on a no kids date and want to chat for a bit. Very nice chatting, but does not get us home. Remembered to invite them to dinner for the superbowl. P. screams for water in car and passes out. Wakes up in garage enough to scream at us how dare we wake him up. Screams off and on during bed prep. Thankfully, now blessedly snoring so loud.
Got conufused in the leftovers to fridge, 3rd meal to 2nd dog, kids to bed rush and 2nd dog peed on carpet. Got challah (over-risen) in oven. Sit down and blog instead of doing laundry or dishes. Challah is out. I am beyond tired and so close to manic. More about swan walk - hopefully w/ pictures may follow. Possibly also, fire retardant PJs, matresses, pillows and Subway.