May 04, 2013 10:19
We only had eight kids last night with a nine kid minimum. So, I got to play 1 round of laser tag. I'd only ever played once before in college, and that was with a group of people who were all regulars and not much explanation. I'd almost completely forgotten, which says how unfun it was.
We also ended up taking two of my neighbors kids. I called her just a few hours before the party after we got some last minute RSVPs/cancellations. It was funny because I always stress a bit over how not to be rude about that and I got off the phone and my mom asked if that was rude to invite them last minute. I said, I didn't think so. So, you know me and my forwardness, when my neighbor dropped her kids off I asked if she thought it was rude. She laughed and said, "No! These things are expensive so you try to keep them small and then you have open spots you're paying for and you just think I'm paying for this, I'll go drag strange kids off the street if I have too!". So that was cool to know she gets it. Our kids like each other but they homeschool so the boys don't have the day to day interaction. Hmm, they tend to get invites to Galen's parties and that's probably why. We see them much more frequently in the summer.
It took me a bit to figure out the laser tag situation. And I really didn't get the team concept for most of the time. I was finally figuring to look at my readout more and realize I was ranked 4! Then one of our guests found me and didn't feel well, I dropped to 8 by the end but I think I was third for our group. Galen was second. Second round Brian played and it was a zombie scenario and it sounds like it was even more fun. He figured out the invisibility, which was the one I only found at the end of the last game. Galen came in ranked really again, too. Really our whole party did much better in round 2/zombie scenario than the other party which was nice since they clearly kicked our butts in the first go.
For the party I got chicken nuggets with ranch dipping sauce. Of course Perry's nose is exploding with massive sneezes. I'm just trying to figure out if there's another component since it seems like it started before the chicken. Hard to say, I noticed at lunch yesterday his friend gave him her granola off her lunch tray. It could be pollen season or it could be hidden dairy in foods he's sneaking. On the bigger plus side, no more massive tantrum explosions or random teariness True, he can go a long time between them but he feels like he's on a more even keel emotionally. Then again, his teacher had her baby and the sub hasn't given them homework in two weeks. It can't be easy constantly living with a sinus headache.
Time to go pull poison ivy.
via ljapp,