An All Un-American Pregnancy

Jun 09, 2011 12:53

I am so glad to have a care provider who trusts me and thinks I can do whatever I think I can do.
Today's errand involved going to Lowes to get gravel and sand to finish the pond. Now the easy part is walking up to the desk and telling them what you want and they load it into the truck. The less easy part is unloading it when you get it home.

I wanted it done and the truck in the driveway not stuck in the field so I unloaded the 500#s of wet gravel and 300#s of sand. No that's not a typo. 10 and 6 50# bags. Now I know many OBs in America are finally getting a clue and realizing that exercise is good. However I still hear insane stories. Like the mom whose OB nixed her starting prenatal yoga in the first trimester because, "Exercise is good if you've already been doing it, but its not safe to start when you're pregnant." Or last month's story of the mom put on bed rest who was told under no circumstances should she even leave the house to go for short gentle walks outdoors but that sex w/ her husband was just fine - no limits. As one person elegantly put it, "What type of sex are these doctors having that its less aerobic than walking?"

Anyway, I can just imagine trying to have a conversation w/ an OB about lifting 50# bags of rocks while pregnant. I mean these are the people who are terrified of feta, brie, and fermented grape juice. (Yum, makes me think of lunch the day before Perry was born. Sitting out in the sun w/ cheeses, wine, olive oil, fresh bread and veggies. That was a wonderful picnic.)

So tonight I will make sure to raise a glass with some type of natural ferment (and probably a stinky soft cheese as well since I'm going out to dinner w/ a girlfriend) to my Un-American pregnancy.

maternity care, medical establishment, baby #3

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