I guess I'm gonna start posting regularly again...

Sep 15, 2006 09:56


I got nothing to talk about. How about you? Nothing. AWESOME!! I actually got sleep last night. I haven't in a while. Found out some stuff.

And you know when it rains it pours. Like EVERYONE I know (including myself) is involved in some sort of relation ship Hijinxs. Its carzy. I mean Holy Jesus Batman!! ( I don't know what I was thinking....I need pills)

And now my Mom told me she promised her friend from Africa I'm spend the day with her nephew. His name is Prince. He's 30 years old. I looked at my Mom like she was sick. But I agreed to do it. I know what this is, and I'm completely against it. I hope he is too...Maybe if I spit on him...


Yea the family's rich. Thw woamn and her husband are doctors.  Now the woman runs a nursing home. And her kids have all these crazy high money making jobs. They have an indoor pool. Why? Why do you need an indoor pool - that mind you no one swims in any more because she found a snake in there two years about during the hurricanes...

Arg, and who name's their kid Prince? RICH PEOPLE THAT'S WHO!

Why doesn't my Mom understand when I say I don't feel like dating the people down here. I don't. I told her about Sang...guess she's not banking on him coming to see me. So now I have tu humor the rich people. UGH. Prince had better be DAMN entertaining. Mom says he's quite and withdrawn. (Even more so my Brother - and for you UF people that's about like Mike before he started being openly sarcastic about everything.) But likes videogames.

What if I don't want to date rich! I'm far to low class for that secene. I'm a bum and I know it. Casual clothes for the women in the family are african dress. I can't move around in that. I like marrying in my class. I need to be able to spontaneously tackle people. NEED.

Any way....thay aside. Life's good. I work today. FUCK WORK. I don't close though. YEA!! Because God knows I was tired of that shit. But I work with Steven tomorrow AND close...I don't even know where to start complaining....its just....something you have to experiance to understand. But I probably won't get out until like 11 PM. FAT ASS. I hate working with Steven. No one should be that lazy, be that fat, smelll that bad, be that ugly, and still try to hit on every woman that comes by. Shoot me. NOW.

Hmm...what else... I'm still trying to avoid my ususal obsession...But OMGONEF WEFNUCAIWERBBQ!!! SONIC 15!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRGGGGG!!! NEEEEEEEEEEED!

Ok. I'm done. Sorry that was so long...making up for Month's of not posting.

(P.S. No Spellcheck agian!)
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