Passport renewal.

Oct 29, 2011 18:43

I thought I'd mention my experience renewing my passport, which is probably of interest of the various other U.S. passport holders out there, as an interesting data point:

I just got the new one. The previous one expired in January (has it been ten years already?), and the State Department generally recommends renewing at about the 6 month mark. I didn't because I didn't think about it at first, and then my UK trip was coming up and I couldn't go sending it off! The processing times page says approximately 4-6 weeks of time to process from the time of application.

Mine took fifteen days, door-to-door. I mailed it off on the 13th of October, priority mail with delivery confirmation. It arrived at the processing center in Philadelphia the following Saturday, which I assume means the office didn't really get it until Monday. The new one arrived in the mail yesterday, the 28th.

Government exceeding my expectations - who knew?
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