Mauvaise Chance Apartments, Laundry Room, Seven PM-ish

Feb 12, 2006 18:27

Natalie sighed and gathered her laundry into a basket, tossed a book and some quarters on top of the mass, then headed up the elevator to the main floor. It would be another week or so before her own stackable system arrived, so it was time to use the laundry machines. This was the part of apartment living she could do without. But it was only temporary, she reasoned, so she could make do.

Entering the laundry room, she staked out a chair and deposited her basket into it. Wow, but it was expensive to do laundry here! She shook her head. One more week, Nat; one more laundry day, she thought. And once she started at the clinic, she was going to need to find a dry cleaner for her suits. Don't wanna think about that right now... Tossing her darks into one machine and her whites into another, she added the requisite amount of detergent and started the machines.

She then settled in to read while the machines did their thing.

[Open to interaction...the book isn't terribly exciting. =) ]
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