May 25, 2005 23:53
I just had a fight with my jackass of a father, he still defends that lieing stupid bitch who said I beat her. I have never once hit a woman, and I mean never, I have trouble having rough sex, because I do not want to hurt women.. WTF.. Fuck that shit. She has my kid, who is close to five years old now, and I have not once, seen this kid. I have seen a picture.. now I know for a fact that my dad is a lieing stupid piece of prick shit, because he has seen the kid, even though he denies that fact. I know for a fact the bitch was over there tonight on his computer, how do I know this, it is simple, I asked him to change my aol password, and he said he does not know how to do it? wtf, the mother fucker works on computers for a living, I know he knows how to change a fucking aol password, I do not have fucking aol on my computer or I would fucking change it myself, but, yeah, that fucker wants to be a piece of shit like that, I don't need anything from his ass, I don't need anything from anyone.. HE CAN SUCK MY MOTHER FUCKING COCK.. FUCK HIM.. .
I do not even know why I still talk to the piece of shit fucker, because all he does is fucking help the spread of rumours about me, I am waiting, waiting for the day she comes up to some woman that actually knows me and spreads her lies, that I fucking beat her, I am waiting for the day, that she gets the fucking piss beat out of her, because she is spreading such fucking lies about me, I pray for vengence, vengence.. the bible says Vengence is mine saith the lord.. FUCK THAT, I want to watch her bleed at the feet of one, just one of the women who knows me, and knows I would never do that shit.
Ya know what, I do not understand, my friend Crystal trusts her son around me, probably a little more than she does his own father, her husband, Other people trust their kids around me, wtf, am I that horrible of a fucking person that even my own father, has to turn his back on me, because of some piece of ass, that he might want to fuck, under the guise of protecting MY child.. FUCK THAT SHIT.. BURN IN HELL TIMOTHY FRYE>. BURN IN HELL FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO YOUR FUCKING CHILD.. YOU HELPED IN MY CREATION, AND THEN DENIED ME, I CAME FROM YOUR SCROTUM, AND YOU TURNED YOUR BACK ON ME, BURN IN FUCKING HELL!!!!!!!!!!!