
May 07, 2005 18:17

This is a subject, I have been told to not post about on Darkguild, and so, since this is my only way to get things, out, I have to post them here.I feel I can not even act in my own home, As if this place is not even my home, more like it belongs to Crow, because he has the rule of the roost. Fuck that shit. Seriously, and then, even Darkguild turned against me, telling me it is my own fault that Crow, is here, but you know what, I have told him about fourteen times, to get the fuck out of my house. He is still here. I told him several times not to lie to me, and not to talk about me behind my back,both of which he has done.

He struts around here with his fucking chest stuck out, like he is some kind of big man, that controls everything, and everyone in this house. Fuck that. I told him today, just like many times in the past, to jump, but fuck no, he will not jump, he will not give me the chance, to unleash this rage, upon him. I want to hurt him, to prove to him, that I AM the alpha male of this residence.

I told him to back off of Crystal, that has not happened, he still struts around this house, acting like Crystal is his wife, and Ethan his son, fuck that shit. Crystal does not belong to anyone, but she damned sure does not belong to him. One of these days, no one, and I do mean no one will be able to hold me back, one of these days, he is going to jump, and when he does, he will get clowned..

I wanna fuckin burry my damned hatchet deep in his forehead, and destroy him.
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