Nine Eleven

Sep 11, 2008 09:34

There is no way this happened 7 years ago? 7 years is a long time, and this tragedy happened yesterday right?

This morning, I woke up, got ready for work, like any other morning....but this one is's always different...ever since 2001. I remember the tragedy that stuck this county. I remember, vividly, walking into 3rd period that day, my junior year of high school, sitting down and getting ready to write an in-class essay, when over the loudspeaker we hear the news. I was horrified. I knew the towers had a connection to the World Financial Center...and as far as I knew, my father worked there. My teacher makes us write the essay, and I'm freaking out at the same time. Lunch was next, Everyone was on their cell phones, even though it wasn't allowed, but none of the administrators cared. My mother told me that dad had moved to Jersey City 3 months prior. I was relieved. A friend of mine, Kaitlin...her father worked there as well, our fathers used to see each other, chat ya know.....he still worked there. Luckily, he was ok.
Some teachers let us watch the news. Watch that second plane fly right into the other building. The school day ended, and I went home. My mother and I went up the road a bit, on top of the foothills of the Applachain, and watched..along with our neighbors....the smoke rising from NYC. 30 miles away, and you could see the thick black smoke rising, 7 hours later.
I learned later that my father had lost some of his guys to this attack. I feel for their families. The next morning, and those to follow in the next week or so, we passed the train station...where some cars remained in the same spot day after day....and day after day, the amount of flowers placed on these cars increased. This attack affected my community...and therefore, affects me.
Today, I wonder what my father is going through. His office in Jersey City was right on the Hudson River. And he watched the second plane person. I can't imagine what goes through his mind every anniversary...and how traumatic those thoughts are. He has to replay that video in his mind, knowing that it took the lives of people he knew.
Now, I am in Washington, DC. Only a few metro stops from the Pentagon....which was hit by a missle or something other than what they tried to tell us happened. The memorial opens today. I want to go see it.
To the families of all those who were lost, injured, and affected by this attack. I am truely sorry for everything you have had to endure.

There is no way it was 7 yrs ago
[not cut because I feel this is important]


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