Jan 27, 2005 19:14
Life is so crazy in so many ways, seriously the ups and downs are really hard to stand sometimes hard to understand why life HAS ups and downs. I dont know how many times i have said i hate people, well im going to say it again I HATE PEOPLE... i hate people who think its ok to take advage of people. What comples someone to hurt others? they say it is self esteem issues or some shit like that but i honestly dont get it. why would u hurt someone to better yourself? i hate being on the low end of the happy meter, but life has given my lemons again. im starting to really hate lemonade. I think i am done feeling sorry for myself about everthing that had happend over the last 2 weeks, im done with most things... im tired of feeling the way i feel over it, n i know u'd only say...well then dont, but its alot damn harder said than done. I have been in this weird mood lately and i dont understand it, i dont understand myself anymore, why i do the timgs i do, or why i act they way i do.... i really wish i knew how to feel and react to things it would make my life easier, but that isnt possiable life was made to be hard, we were made to feel like shit 24/7 i have come to that conlusion but there is the occational happiness, bliss comes in small doses but it only leads to worse than u felt b4 u were happy