May 11, 2004 14:32
[Name] Vicki
[Sex] Girl
[Birthday] feb 26
[Place of Birth] I don’t know how to spell
[Siblings] here we go… faith, sedria, earl, david, john, allen, Eugene and Michael (between both parents)
[Parents] you want them??
[Pets] 2 cats one fish
[Height] 5’1 and a quarter
[Hair Color] red
[Eye Color] hazely
[Current Residence] new york
[Nervous Habits] legs twitch uncontollably
[Do you bite your nails?] no
[Can you roll your tongue?] yes
[Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?] nope
[Can you cross your eyes?] sumtimes
[Tattoos?] a heartagram and a pentagram
[Piercings and where?] ears, upper skin on ear, labret, nose, had eyebrow
[Do you make your bed daily?] never, im just going to mess it up again
[What goes on first, bra or underwear?] good question
[which shoe goes on first?] I have no idea
[On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet?] im poor
[What jewelry do you wear 24/7?] 2 necklaces
[What's sexiest on a guy?] eyes
[Would you rather be on time and look OK or 10 minutes late and look great?] me fuss over what I look like? R u on dope?
[Favorite Piece of Clothing] my socks
[Pajamas] whatever sometimes im so tired I don’t even change
[Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?] twirl
[Have you ever eaten Spam?] no
[Favorite Ice Cream Flavor] chocolate chip cookie dough (for the depressing days in my life)
[How many cereals in your cabinet?] don’t know don’t eat cereal at home
[What's your favorite beverage?] sierra mist
[What's your favorite restaurant?] we don’t have any resturants
[What utensils do you use to eat pizza?] all the time
[Do you cook?] sumtimes
[How often do you shower/bathe?] every other day if I feel like it sometimes everyday
[How long does your shower last?] 10-30 mins
[Hair drying method] let it air dry
[Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair?] r u kidding? I have no idea what my natural color is!
[Do you paint your nails?] yes
[Actor/Actress] stuart townsend
[Animal] snake
[Food] ice cream
[Month] august
[Day] saturday
[Cartoon] family guy.
[Flower] black roses
[Shoe Brand] vans
[Subject in school] good one
[Color] black
[Sport] football
[Body part on you] my eye
[Body part on the opposite sex] eyes and smile
[TV show] viva la bam!!!!!!!!
[Holiday] halloween
[Book] kurt cobain journals