"apple sauce, bitch!!"

May 06, 2004 10:33

almost done with my term paper. what fucking fun. two more pages to do. i had to redo it because when i was done typing i only had about 3 pages done. not enough. so i had to re-research everything and i left my sources at home but not my notes but i need my sources. agh. so cortini is sitting next to me and she laughing at my frustration.
i hate being grounded because when i am hope my room becomes a war zone. so now i have to clean it and i HATE cleaning. so i have to clean it when i get home which is going to be fucking hell because i have to take my bed down. its somewhat of a loft. and im putting it in my brothers closet so then ill have a regular bed. my room is going to be really fucking crowded. im going to organize all my yarn and magazines and hopefully i find some tape because i have a shitload of pics to tape on my wall. so i will barely have time to do the rest of my homework. but oh well.
kass cant type her research paper because she is failing 2 classes so they wont let her go to the library. communists!!!!!
and frantzie and steve went to her house looking for me because they were going to get me high. so now i have to go to the towpath during lunch and smoke up. i smoked or tried smoking a cig. after 3 days of not of one and i wanted to barf my brains out. which is good because i am trying to quit smoking. so im gong to get really fucking fucked up during lunch. i love it and frantzie always has the good shit.
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