Jul 09, 2009 23:15
yes a shift
I used to spent about $50-$100 a month on dvds and over a few years I have a decent collection. and just now I was wondering what the hell music was playing and it turned out to be pink floyd. I'm surprised.
So back to the subject at hand, left hand, the shift. In the last couple years Ive only spent a third what I used to spend on movies. I canceled my cable, I haven't even bought the new conversion thingy for my tv so I can still get regular stations, and I don't care. Some day I will get it and it doesn't matter to me when. Thats how little tv matters to me anymore. Its just so strange that I used to get so pissed that my dad would try to restrict how much tv I (and my sisters(back when we were kids you know)) watched, and now I hardly care to watch a thing. I just don't give a damn for the so called "reality tv" we are bombarded with. About the only show I have watched recently was heroes. Outside of that, fuck the rest. Though I did come to the conclusion that "the biggest looser" was a quality show, and thats only because its a great encouragement for fat people to drop the pounds. I think its great.
The difference in my 'entertainment' spending has shifted to books. As a kid I read a TON of books and as I got older and tv took over I hardly read at all. I missed it but hardly made time to read, but when I really gave up tv and well I have to say I got a job with a decent amount of down time, I have read like I never have before. Both for pure enjoyment, and for educational purposes. I have to say I have learned shit that was never taught in school, which happens to be good and disturbing all at the same time.
If I had a wish, I would wish people's tv would go out for a couple weeks. Most people have no idea the time they would suddenly find themselves with otherwise. Its kinda how I realized how much time I wasted on absolutely nothing. Some would discover that they want to use that time for projects long set aside. (me) Some would discover other forms of entertainment long ignored (me). Some would be totally worthless, some would kill themselves (not so much me).
I don't have much more to say on the subject. It was just something that was such a huge shift for me to notice to go unremarked upon.