Mar 27, 2007 14:57
Well everything has been pretty sweet lately. Boys, bud, & friends what more can a person ask for? even with that i am so fuckin bored man! No school & no work is ridiculous. I've been staying out @ my granny's a lot lately so i wouldnt be driving as much & just being somewhere other than my house is sorta nice. I didnt realize how many reruns satellite has though! They play everything like 3 times a fucking day & all fucking week. when do they play new stuff? I guess that's why i stopped watching tv mostly. I wish the pool was clean...even though it'd be sorta cold I'd swim right now. I havent swam with dreads in yet & i wanna see how it feels against my face swimming through water! Meh I guess i have to wait another month. it's been nice lately though..nice weather to walk in. I think I'll go to northlakes later & walk again. It's very pretty today. I'm still losing weight I'm really excited it seem like I'm finally in it for the win. since christmas I've only been losing weight no gaining has happend & I feel like i really have my resolve for keeping it up. I've been drinking a LOT less than I used to which i think is helping & well I don't have munchies much anymore. I've been going on these fasts every few days for about 3 days at a time & I think it's keeping my appetite pretty much at zero. I have to make myself eat's weird having to eat when you dont really feel like it..having to force yourself to eat. OH well it helps I guess. Coming up on 6 months of having my dreads! slowly they are becoming the way i want them to be...besides the fact that they keep getting shorter. at least they are getting fatter which was what I wanted. Anywho last night I was at my granny's & i remembered someone saying something about my granny probably not having liquor so i decided I'd look around the kitchen area to see if maybe there was more than just wine somewhere. Well I was surprised to find a shelf of liquor. Some of it kinda old but some of it was good stuff. I feel weird about it but I did take a small bottle of rum cuz I doubt she'll miss it or notice & well if she does notice I'll give her $12 to cover it w/e. I think I like rum the most out of mixing liquors...No matter how strong I make it as long as there is a bit of coke or mix of some sort it tastes good. Now I can follow my dreams & become a pirate! >:) So Jah I feel like I need new music that's good for dancing...I'm not sure what to get though! help me & name artists that are good for that...not rock more like booty shaking music. One good thing about music When it hits you feel no pain. haha I love that verse in Trenchtown Rock. It's so true! Yeah so I guess I should go for a walk now before I decide otherwise. ciao