oiii throat sicknesses suck ass!

Mar 06, 2007 01:12

bah well thursday i slowly started feeling crappy & then friday i thought it had gone away..but it just came back later that night with a vengence.  I can hear half as well as usual..and my throat hurts like a mofo.  had a little fever the first 2 days but that's gone away.  now it's just all in my head.  man normally i wouldnt smoke with this sorta thing but shit it's the only thing that actually make my throat hurt less at times.  started taking ibprofen or w/e & that has actually helped the pain a bit.   I guess i should go to the doctor soon cuz my throat has been hurting this bad for i guess 4 days now & that seems like too long to me.  I hate throat things...I usually never get them but damn.  I feel bad for those that do get them more often.  most painful cold ever!  If only I didnt have to swallow so much it'd be fine but if i dont i'll drown in my own mucus & block off my airway.  oh well..i just wish i had made a dr. appointment this morning... At least I still have stuff to smoke though.  mmm I just missed out on seeing people for the weekend cuz i didnt wanna get anyone else sick.  I wanna see someone though so i guess tomorrow i'll try & smoke with someone. not out of the same thing of course!  i'm a sicky. :p

oh yeah i've been doing this since maybe october or something & i think other people should too.  ok go to the the breast cancer site
and you can add yourself to the mailing list so it reminds you everyday to go & click the button.  everytime it's clicked it helps fund free mammograms for women that usually wouldnt be able to afford it.  Also there are 5 other tabs at the top that do a similar thing but for things like saving the rainforest & helping children get books & putting some kids through school.  I think it's worth doing everyday.   I dunno...up to you really.  but 6 clicks a day...to help people that really need it?  i'd say it's the least a person can do.
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