Jul 24, 2008 23:14
FUN FACT: Aerobic exercising 3x a week will delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease by 10 years. Intellectual activities such as chess or mahjong may help, too.
FUN FACT 2: Alzheimer's is pretty much unavoidable if you're prone to it. It can be due to genetics or just lack of brain usage.
Alzheimer's disease is very tragic and it' doesn't have a cure. Think of "The Notebook". I know a lot of you cried in it and you weren't even part of the story. It would be worse if it was you or somebody in your family. So try to prevent it as much as you can, exercise a lot (for many reasons other than this) and think.
5 good things:
1. I influenced Long! :D
2. My kids were good in class today.
3. YAY, played basketball!
4. Got a new car! woot woot.
5. I think I have a healthy brain.
I was chatting with this guy and look what he made me think:
I really like your idea that the universe is governed by such fundamental laws. I mean consider the oldest species still alive today are some single-celled bacteria that have been unchanged for billions of years.
I feel that because humans are more cognitively developed, we have more of a responsibility to help other species maintain their existence, especially since their existence is based on adaptation, which takes ages. And since we pretty much have the ability to change almost any environment so quickly in this industrious lifestyle, it's kind of harder for other species to adapt. I guess you're still right because in order for the human species to procreate, we will need resources, and in order to have these resources, we need to help preserve the planet. So all in all, everything we do is all for selfish reasons as tree hugging as our actions may be. But, I guess ignorance really is bliss and life is all about happiness, right?
As for morality, I do agree that everybody is good, but I feel that some people have been so misguided that their perception of "right" and "wrong" have been distorted.
Have you ever seen the move "SE7EN"?
I love talking about this, too. It seems so philosophical and there's really no correct answer (well, actually, I think there is a correct answer, but it's far beyond the capacity of our knowledge at this point). Also, it makes me feel like I'm smart for thinking so much.
P.S. For those of you who thought that you are born with a limited amount of neurons in your brain. YOU'RE WRONG!!! When you sleep, you go through a phase called consolidation where you are creating new neurons whose only purpose is to help you learn (I think in the hippocampus). And when you learn, these neurons obtain a purpose and survive. If you don't learn, they just die. SLEEP IS IMPORTANT FOR STUDYING!