Apr 19, 2006 21:28
Sooooo.. Well I havne't seen livejournal in sooo long!! I decided I would update.. since I haven't in a long time. Well what's been happening with me? Just about everything you could imagine. I have been trying to plan for my future.. deciding where to start nursing school.. dealing with stress at home.. loving my boyfriend very much.. trying to find a decent job to pay for rent this summer.. and lots more. I have been realizing more and more that I am getting older and older.. it's scary! I really just can't wait till I'm out of nursing school and working in a job I care about. I want to get married and later on have kids.. but that's after I am out of school and settled. I am just ready to start my life away from school and stress of family. I am also realizing I have 2 weeks left of school.. and it's sad cause I will never be seeing some of my friends again.. I will see some but there are a few I will not ever see again. I can't wait to get into the summer though.. I am going to see my mom for a much needed break away from the coast.. and I get to bring my boyfriend!! Well I really don't have much to say and I have to get back to studying for some tests.. but I will try to update again soon.. TRY.. LOL!!
Luv you's