Apr 13, 2005 10:31
i went to one of my classes today...:) go me. I think i'm gonna go to plant bio and tell the teacher that i'm probably retaking her class and i won't be coming anymore, not like i go now , but still. then i'm gonna go talk to my advisor about it. after all that, i'm gonna go to karate...woo hoo. after that me and dev might to laundry, we were gonna go tonite, but decided food was more important, so at least we got the shopping out the way. i cleaned the rat cage, wasn't too smelly i ended up vacuming some of the stuff out the bottom cuz it was pain to try and scoop it. we're kinda teaching 'em tricks, Viscious(who is no longer viscous) learned to jump on your shoulder and to get a treat, the other two, haven't quite figured it out yet, but they're getting there, they do so many cute things i'm gonna have to start videoing them.
quote for the day "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not so sure about the universe." - albert einstein.
- " stupidity should be punished, not tolerated." - me