I thought that said "MASON sings about the Food Pyramid", and I was expecting a home video of your cat yelping something out that suggests food groups.
No, but I did see him in his music video debut. Are you going to be able to cut me out of that? It was a bit scary seeing myself. If you can't cut me out that is okay.
I just went to that youtube place and typed in monsterofmud. I would appreciate being cut out, but I love that you left Mason in there and didn't use a stunt cat. He just looks so cute! I am partial, I know.
Awwww no! I didn't mean for anyone to see that! I knew one girl saw it just because she has a subscription to my videos, but I'd hoped no one else would see it. Oh well, just keep in mind that's a VERY crummy rendering I used as an example.
I'll be sure to cut you out. I thought it added to the humour to see the neighbor handing him over, but I understand. I'll just pick up as he heads to the door.
I can cut you out easily if you'd like.
I'll be sure to cut you out. I thought it added to the humour to see the neighbor handing him over, but I understand. I'll just pick up as he heads to the door.
And thanks again for helping us out!
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