Cleaning out the closet...

May 04, 2008 00:32

I found my 8th-grade diary today.  Boy, does it make for some choice reading.  Here are some of the better excerpts.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 18, 1995:

"Today I stayed after school.  I made up gym.  In art, we couldn't do fimo because someone took an x-acto knife.  We better get to do fimo tomorrow.  I don't want Mark to do it though.  He's UGLY!  He stinks too. Sorry, but he is.  I can't deny."

Tuesday, January 24, 1995:

"Mr. Castine wants us to make a hot air balloon.  I think HE's full of hot air."

Thursday, April 20, 1995:

"In Health class, we're learning about STDs.  I vow NEVER EVER to have sex.!"

Tuesday, May 9th, 1995:

"Today in Mrs. Bennett's class, I worked on my duffle bag.  It was dumb,  Becky [Read]'s almost done.  She tells me how far she is.  I tell her to shut up."

Pure comic gold.  GOLD, I tell you! 

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