Goodbye to a faithful friend

Aug 27, 2007 12:35

As many of you know, I love cats. In fact, I regularly keep myself in their company. Our oldest cat, Fuzz, has been with us for thirteen of his fifteen years (half my life).

We took him in to the vet, Dr. Edwards, recently for a checkup and Dr. Edwards found a large mass in his abdomen. A needle biopsy revealed that it was advanced pancreatic cancer and there was nothing we could do for him. We decided to take him home and keep him comfortable.

Well, for the last few days, it's been hard for him to move and he hasn't been eating. He slept all the time and we made the decision to have him, to use the awful term, "put to sleep".

All of us went down to the vet and took him in this morning. He went peacefully, but that doesn't make it any easier for those of us he's left behind. We buried him alongside our other family pets and I've been reflecting on his long, happy life.

So I've been left with do I say goodbye to someone who's been with me for half of my life as a constant companion? Someone who listened to my troubles and been there when I just needed a friend? Someone with paws like pussywillows with longer tufts between the toes? With fur the color of pewter and eyes that penetrated to the center of your being(eyes that toward the end were clouded by cataracts)? Someone who slept belly-up with a paw over his eyes and purred so softly like a motor in the middle of a peaceful lake? Someone I met as an awkward teenager and who watched me stumble haphazardly into adulthood?

But above all, how do I say goodbye to a faithful friend and family member?

Thank you to everyone for your positive thoughts, well-wishes and prayeres. I (and he) appreciate it beyond measure.

Fuzz, I love you more than you will ever know. Goodbye from a loving friend and confidant. Even though it's been less than two hours, I miss you already and always will.

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