Dream Journal #45699

Jul 11, 2009 09:25

miss_postmortem and I were in Europe, on vacation. We had arrived in Spain, from the Mediterranean, and were in a coastal town, learning about the local history. One of the attractions was a Salvador Dali tour. The tour included locations where he had painted and landscapes that had appeared in his paintings as well as one unique feature: the tour guide would inject you with a hormone that would enable you to see reality as Dali saw it by stimulating a specific gland in the brain that was dormant in everyone but Salvador Dali. The injected solution was made from a synthetic hormone that Dali naturally produced when painting.

We took the tour and took the hormone as well. At first nothing happened, but then, like a freight train to the brain, color intensified and everyday objects transformed. The paintbrushes in the display suddenly grew leaves, or the legs of insects. A dog walking by began to grin as it slowly turned into a soft, ripe cheese. Distant mountains and clouds turned into well fed Spanish ladies being screwed from behind by little men in bowler hats. A man took a bite from the shoulder of the woman next to him and she laughed as a tiny Pope emerged from where he had bitten her and began to address the orange ants that emerged from her hair. Everyone on the tour was delighted with the transformation of every day life into a surrealist painting that you could walk through, touch, hear, taste and smell. Inhibitions and social mores fell away as the world around the tour merged with the subconscious mind.

For good or ill, the drug wore off within 30 minutes and life returned to normal, with one lingering effect. Everything seemed a little brighter, a little more intense, and we all felt as if reality as we knew it was only a thin veil, a limited way of seeing and knowing the universe around us.

...and then I woke up.


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