Oct 05, 2007 11:21
I had two crazy dreams last night.
One involved me filing a report on this guy who had jumped me in a parking lot. What made this scary was that I had a concealed weapon on me the whole time I just didn't use it and the cops never found it. Then....some how I got sent through a time warp to the Ice Age. As I was wandering through the land I eventually found this cave and was looking across this huge valley of mountains and ice to see this giant scarab tank from Halo 3 (except different colors) climbing down the mountain...eventually I was discovered by some people who took me to their leader and he made fun of me for having a "hippie weapon". I guess in the future we go back to the Ice Age.
In my last dream Alex had borrowed a cow from someone and we were taking it back to whom it belonged. Except I was riding this cow. And the cow got way out of control and ending up running into a brick wall then dying.