Old Man day

May 19, 2009 07:59

Well, at the beginning of the month I was part of the reviewing peanut gallery for TRF auditions, and somehow got scratched by something. (I know, so very detailed this morning) Whatever it was that scratched me, I woke up the next morning with itchy scratches down one side. No big deal, until it bloomed into full blown, massive itchy patches of a poison ivy/oak/sumac variety. Went to the doctor, got a set of steroids, took them, felt a little better and then WHAM! GRRR ARRGH ITCHY DEATH REBOUND!!! Went to another doctor, who sort of chuckled and said "Um, this sort of thing takes a month to cure, yours is bad. Your other doctor didn't give you a cortisone shot or anything?"

No, no she didn't.

So now I'm on steroids for the skin side, and they shot me full of steroids/cortisone for the immediate relief. On the upside, my jacked up ligiments in my feet feel FANTASTIC, but it's killing my back and making me a grouchy old man.

On other upsides, I get new fangs for my Jonathan Harker costume tonight, I saw Wolverine (eh) and Star Trek (dammit, I did NOT want to like it... but I did...) and I am probably going ice skating sometime this week since my feet don't hurt for the first time in about 3 years. Maybe with that, the new diet, and my Wii Fit I can finally start making some progress on this weight loss thing.

But today, I shake my cane, look towards November and my scary scary birthday and holler at all those kids to get off my lawn, and turn down that racket!

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