Hot Button Issue

May 21, 2009 12:18

I'm looking forward to this woman languishing in prison:

Court orders chemotherapy treatment with 90% success rate (5% chance of survival without it) on 13-year old boy who isn't old enough to give consent and can't read anyway.
Mom takes the kid and runs for California or Mexico for 'alternative medicine'.

I suppose it would be cruel and unusual to keep her in a cell with a looping video of her son dying from the cancer she refuses to have treated. Yeah, I know people refuse blood transfusions and chemotherapy because they think it'll damn them. Granted, they had the first course of treatment, so her religious argument seems flimsy. If she wants to fight to the death to deny her son life-saving medical treatment, I hope that can be arranged.

No. Don't post angry. Don't post angry. She thinks she's doing the right thing.

This isn't isolated. An 8-year old boy in Ohio died of cancer last year after begging his parents to take him to the hospital. I think charges are pending. A Wisconsin mom has been charged with second-degree homocide after her 11-year old daughter died of diabetes after the mom only tried prayer to help her. In a scientific poll (stratified random sampling), 56% of people believe parents should be able to refuse vaccinations for their kids (although 78% think it's a serious concern that not all children are vaccinated). Unscientific polling (normal web-based stuff) has about a 50-50 split on whether or not the judge should have forced chemo, so I know I'm not in the overwhelming majority on this.
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