Five Fics

May 24, 2008 10:02

inusaga 's challenge is to talk about five fics I otherwise enjoyed but a glaring flaw I found in each.

I will restrict myself to completed fics. Also, originally I had a couple written by friends, but I'm going to take a break from being ascerbic and focus on people I don't know. If you want a spanking, drop me a line and we'll work something out. Fortunately, a couple I want to strangle have been tackled by others.

Secret Love, Secret Power, by Silent Sky

Why I Liked It: It had a reasonable plot, wasn't filled with cheap lemons (there was a 'lime'), and the character development was well done. Pacing was good, and it avoided too much melodrama. Sesshoumaru was very well done.

Glaring flaw(s): Inuyasha had an entirely new classification of "mind powers" which were poorly explained and kinda lame. It's sequel is the biggest drop in quality from the original I've seen outside of the sequel to

The Lucky Ones, by Terri Botta

Why I Liked It: It was clever. The interaction between the characters was sweet. 
knittingknotshit on a great term for it with "comfort read". It's a long, safe, pleasant read.

Glaring flaw(s): The back half of the story brings down the average, falling into overwrought melodrama and OC-wankery. Oh, and let's not forget the psychotic doctor character who was out of her gourd. Author may not live in same plane of reality.

Thirty Days, by EM Wolf

Why I Liked It: The major plot twist. Give me a compelling plot twist and I'll love your fic every time. EVERY TIME.

Glaring flaw(s): Slow, well-paced development and then a rushed ending. Punctuation is terrible. It's an original story with Inuyasha character names.

Heart of a Youkai/Love of a Hanyou (two fic series), by Eowyn Organa

Why I Liked It: It's a youkai-Inuyasha story done right. Everyone else wants to tame him or use him for fierce primal sex. This author develops a compelling story about him going wild (the first fic), and dealing with the consequences (the second fic). It's definitely worth a read.

Glaring flaw(s): It's one of those stories where you hope the author rewrites it later. Her grammar and punctuation are fine, but you can tell she's a young writer and hasn't really gotten the flow down, yet. It's very....simple.

Okay, given that it has to be complete and not by someone on my f-list, I have to have really liked it, but it has to have a glaring flaw...this is hard.  *three minutes pass*

Absence, by FrameOfMind (I nommed this sucker)

Why I Liked It: It's a reasonably convincing post-Naraku story that's well written and entertaining.

Glaring flaw(s): The author started it a long time ago, and it shows. It's a story posted in 2008 that was written in 2005, and so it's Kikyou, Kikyou, yawn, sigh, Kikyou. While it was written, most everyone moved on.  Oh, yeah, and there was a kiss that was set up in a way so hackneyed and lame it actually made me take a break from reading it.

Well, that was tougher than expected. Not like I can write any better than them.
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