Nov 01, 2004 22:06
So seeing as I am going to be transferring in the next year sometime to a four year college I've started looking around at where I would want to end up going. To this end I went in a week ago or so and talked to a counselor at the JC to see what my options are and to see if they had any recommendations. The guy I talked to showed me the schools I could be pretty assured of getting into and than also gave me a ton of paperwork stuff that I have not even looked through yet about transferring and how to go about it. So basically after telling me how to transfer he couldn't really give me any information other than, 'Here's a list of CSU's, pick one you like and apply'.
So being the crafty, and lazy person I am, I had my father as Vuke at Newman if he could look up the CSU's in California and see which ones are rated highly for history majors. The end result being that I now have basically three places to look at for transfers, assuming I want to go somewhere that rates high and not just pick on where I want to go. The three schools that were recommended were CSU Chico, San Diego State, and Fullerton. Of course this doesn't really help me as I know nothing about any of them other than my brother went to Chico for a year and than Fullerton and San Diego are both 6+ hours away from SR.
At this point I really don't have any reason to pick one school over another so I'm probably just going to end up picking two and applying to both of them and holding the decision off until later, however I have to apply by the end of the month, so if anyone has any compelling arguments for any of the schools I mention let me know because I'm open to suggestions!