butterflies in the window pane

Jan 22, 2006 22:35

This weekend gets five stars. As far as show weekends go, this one was by far the best.

Friday was good. Me and Dave found Bethany and Jenny in the senior lounge after school, and the Revolution took us away for a well deserved drive. With the windows down, and the warm air blowing through the car...it was amazing. Friday's show went great, and a number of us went to Steak and Shake before the cast party. We got shakes to go, and we all got Steak and Shake hats from our waiter. We also saw Trish again, which is always pleasant. Aubrey's Cast party was fun, and consisted of alot of trips to the garage, some gay sex on the pool table, boxing, eating and talking.

Saturday was Becky's farewell party at Olive Garden. I came as Sanchez, the dirty mexican, and the experience was great. We all shed a good number of tears, and she presented us all with books and told us each one by one what we meant to her. Then i raced home and then to the school for call. Saturdays show was probably the best we had ever done it, and in the end everybody came back on stage to present her with director's gifts. I have never cried in public before, and i dont know how that happened. But if you were there, you saw me cry like a bitch. After the waterworks, we went to Caitlyn's cast party which was really great too. Most of the time we sat on the porch, people talking, people half asleep, people smoking, it was really relaxing. We saw the video we made for Becky, and it was really, really well done.

After that, Me, Jamie, DC, Aubrey, Bethany and Jenny continued the cast party on our own. Good times. Nuff said.

Today was a really great day also. I woke up and went to chuch, and after that went to Panda Express with Jamie, Zack and Lynsey. After eating alot, me and Zack drove around the backroads trying to get lost. Listening to music with an Al Capone in the hand, it was amazing. Youth Group was fun, and then we went to the Pub.

It was so much fun. Just sitting and talking, chilling with everyone who we had just had such an amazing weekend with. I didnt play any music until Dave convinced me to play You Cant Stop The Music with him. Then, i just had a spur of creativity and started improving a little jam i had written. It was great, because people suddenly started playing along with me, and it was just a great feeling. Then, i finally said my last goodbye to Becky. I told her how much i believed in her, and there was a really great moment where i just held her and i knew this was it. Then i left...so overwhealmed with sadness and happiness at the same time i couldn't contain myself. I decided to go with happiness, and just realize how great life really is and that things are so amazing. With everything that just happened in the past weeks, i am so lucky to have had this weekend to completely turn my life around. Anything i could possibly ever need is right here, and i love everything here now. We are all a family.

Anyway, the second semester begins tomorrow. The school year is flying by. I cant believe that in a matter of months...ill be saying goodbye to all of you guys like we said goodbye to Becky...

i dont know why, but it makes me smile.

its almost like, the fact that it is going to be this hard to let everybody go makes me realize how much i really do love everybody here. I have friends. I have people that love me. I know am back to that stage where i dont feel the pull of unrequited love, and i feel happy again. Im giddy with the fact i have my schoolboy crush, and that im just thinking ahead about things. 2006 actually brought a brand new year. Im so thankful that i could cry right now.

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