Replacing life with TV and Twitter

Feb 01, 2009 18:31

Stupid scheduling clash on Monday is annoying me somewhat more than is perhaps warranted. Whitechapel (a new 3 part drama based on the Jack the Ripper killings) starts at 9pm on ITV, whilst Moses Jones (a new 3 part drama with 11th Doctor Matt Smith) starts at 9pm on BBC2. Obviously, I'll be watching the ITV show at the actual time and then catching Moses Jones on BBC iPlayer, because the ITV player is absolutely shite, but it's still annoying me anyway. Let's blame the sleep deprivation :P

Had my parapsychology overnight stay last night, it went well, managed to capture some interesting phenomena, although I do now have to analyse everything and "try to establish a scientific explanation". I'm only allowed to say "IT'S A GHOST" if there actually is no other explanation, which rather ruins the fun of it. Still, twas a good night and some stupid o'clock in the morning procrastination led to me finally jumping on the Twitter bandwagon.

Over on Twitter I'm still drjenny88, so feel free to follow or whatever and I'll follow you back. I put off joining for AGES because I knew I'd get addicted to it, and lo and behold...

In other news, I've been online shopping :( Amazon and eBay now have my money and I have shiny new parcels on their way to me... and significantly less money than I woke up with today. Still, some of it was for my sister's 16th birthday, so that's justified :D

And I'm seriously considering getting a BlackBerry, just because I want one... I can't afford it. But... DILEMMA.

Edit: This week's horoscopes are now up over on lisson17 's LJ at the following link: Yes, I'm too lazy to do the html.

Everyone else doing ok?

twitter, rl, tv, horoscopes

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